Here is a book that is a product of our rich Catholic heritage, one that is destined to instruct both our modern times and the future. Written with the traditional Latin Mass as its paradigm, it is nonetheless not actually about that Mass, but about the essence of the Mass in general—about any Eucharistic Divine Liturgy, in any rite—and thus it has a universal appeal and is for the whole world.
This book should be owned personally by every Catholic 15 years of age or older and should be read and re-read until its insights are one's own—and thereafter every three to five years to refresh one's memory. The laity will gain tremendous instruction from this book, and even priests will discover their learning about the Mass renewed and their fervor in saying it increased.
Everyone who reads The Incredible Catholic Mass will think of his Mass attendance in terms of before and after this book. For it confirms the understanding that the Mass is incomparably the greatest prayer—that it is offered to God, not just by the officiating priest, but also by Jesus Christ Himself—in homage, in praise, in thanksgiving, in reparation, in petition, for conversions, for the Poor Souls, for health, for the Church, for the country, for society . . . —in short, for whatever legitimate intention a person can have.
The Incredible Catholic Mass is truly an incredible book about the most incredible reality in our midst: the Catholic Mass.
Learn more on our Blog: 77 Graces and Fruits to Be Derived from Devout Attendance at Holy Mass (Part II)
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- Author:
- Fr. Martin Von Cochem, OSF
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14 Reviews
Excellent Book
This book is an excellent book for those who want to come to know how awesome the Holy Mass is. It is an easy read with simple and well organized breaking down of the meaning of the mass and its value. This book won;t be boring because its explanations are followed with amazing stories and examples to better understand the point of each topic covered in the chapter. I am a priest and I have found this book inspirational and motivational in appreciating the power and value of the mass. This book is not only worth reading and your time, but it will truly change your attitude towards the Holy Mass. In my humble opinion it would benefit any Catholic faithful, a lay or clergy. I am glad that I was able to read this book it change me in a way I offer the Holy Mass. I would highly recommend this book to any Catholic. If the Holy Mass has become to you a routine or you are bored when present at Holy Mass then you definitely need to read this book.
The Incredible Catholic Mass
It, along with the diary of Sister Faustina, was the most informative book about our salvation besides the Bible I'veread. Years ago, Vince Lombardi after an early-season loss, took his professional American football team and began lessons in the basics of football.... the size of the ball, the stitching, the field measurements and divisions, cleats, the uniform of the players, the rules, etc. It was these fundementals which allowed his team - the very famous Green Bay Packers - to win many titles and honors. It's the same with "The Incredible Catholic Mass." This fabulous book explains the beginning of the sacred Mass, the vital rituals, the secret prayers said from the altar, how to include your intentions with those of the Celebrant, the consecration, and so much more. It's the basics of the Mass with theological proof, historical information and references, and intelligently written for the everyday reader. Highly recommended... in fact, I purchased eight more copies today for my children and friends.
I Can't wait to get
I Can't wait to get this book read. I absolutely LOVE daily mass and love explaining it to my friends and family and students.
Wonderful book!
I read this book recently and bought a second copy for my son. It has a lot of helpful anecdotes about the value of the Mass from many different aspects!
A must read...
This book is so good that I had to buy more to give to my friends!