
Prophecy for Today (eBook)

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The end of the world is something that we have become lulled into ignoring because of the progress of the centuries since Christ's Ascension. But the early Christians fervently expected the imminent return of Our Lord, and the Bible itself is filled with prophecies of the Second Coming and the period leading up to it: Daniel, the Gospels, the Apocalypse, and more. In our own times, events in the last century that have brought to the fore more earnestly speculation about what will happen when the true end of time is nigh.

Here, in Prophecy for Today: A Summary of the Catholic Tradition Concerning the End-Of-Time Era, author Edward Connor covers the tradition of Catholic prophecy concerning the end of days in a brief, comprehensive, and enthralling guide to Catholic eschatology. Included are prophecies about:

  • the Great Catholic Monarch,
  • the Angelic Pastor (a pope to convert the world),
  • a period of peace and prosperity,
  • the Anti-Christ,
  • and more . . .

Everything in this volume is gathered from apparitions given to and prophecies made by Saints from all centuries. What is most interesting is that they tend to point towards a special role for the present epoch. Although it is never the role of the faithful to get lost in tracing theories and pseudo-prophetic calculations, nevertheless it is helpful if we are aware of what others (the Saints, no less) have said "of that day and hour," which is to come "like a thief in the night." This book will show you how.

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