
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich

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“But there are also many other things which Jesus did which, if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written.” (John 21:25).

Did you know that the revelations as told in The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ inspired and provided many of the powerful images and scenes in the film The Passion of the Christ?

Written to inspire an increased love for God, this book details the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, the renowned 19th century German nun who was a visionary, mystic, stigmatist, and victim soul. Blessed Anne’s visions give accounts of many more of the unknown details of the Passion, providing our imaginations rich food to further contemplate Our Lord’s great suffering on our behalf, and thereby grow our love for Him by meditating upon His most sacred and dolorous Passion.

Every Catholic should meditate frequently upon the Passion of Our Lord; with this book in hand you will be able to meditate on the narrative of the Passion in a new, vivid, and especially spiritually enriching way. Edifying, inspiring, surprising, and heart-rending, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's descriptions of our Lord's Passion will melt a heart of stone. 

The content of her visions includes:

  • The Blessed Mother’s role in the Passion and in our redemption 
  • The details of the insults hurled at Jesus
  • Jesus’s conversations with His disciples and with the two thieves
  • The reactions and fear of the people all throughout Jerusalem 
  • An account of the descent into Hell
  • And much more… 

Also included is a biography of the author, which explains the details of her holy life and how different members of the hierarchy of the Church have promoted her visions as credible.

Easily the best and most complete meditation on the Passion, this book is a must-have Lenten read, as well as a year-round way of fostering a spirit repentance and love of our suffering Lord.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
TAN Books
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30 Reviews

  • 5
    St Anne Catherine Emmerick

    Posted by Gregory Baker on Mar 27th 2024

    This is a Special Saint for our times! She helps us in suffering & to truly understand humility!

  • 5
    Great detail by Catherine Anne of the last week of Jesus and his death

    Posted by Hayden Mercer on Mar 26th 2024

    Gives a new look at our Lord's suffering and death.

  • 5
    Dolorous Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ

    Posted by Tom on Mar 26th 2024

    Excellent so far. I’m about 2/3 through it. It’s good help for mental prayer too.

  • 5
    A book that needs to be spread and reread

    Posted by William S on Mar 25th 2024

    This is an Awesome, Marvelous and Beautiful book which contains the heart throbbing reality of Our Risen Lord’s Institution of the Eucharist, his arduous agony in Gethsemane, his arrest, his unjust trials, his Passionate scourging and maltreatment unto his road to Calvary with the carriage of the unbearable weight of the cross to be put to an ignominious death. Yet, by the Grace of God, Anne Catherine’s revelations do not end there. You read of Our Lord’s Omnipotent voice, and realize how he could have put an end to not only his arrest but also to all of enemies by just speaking!!! John 18:4-8 & Apocalypse19:15,22 Consequently, Our God is exceedingly Merciful, Forbearing and Just !!! Alleluia Alleluia Moreover you glimpse into Jesus descending into hell as soon as he dies, which he foretold in Matthew 12:40!!! One cannot deny these Divine revelations nor Praise God enough for allowing Anne Catherine to witness them firsthand and permit them to be recorded in printed form. FOR US TO READ!!! Truly a Holy book to be treasured and reread Every Lenten Season, especially during Holy Week!!! Don’t take my word for it, Come and See!!! John 1:39,46 12 out of 5 Star rating

  • 5
    The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    Posted by Robert Kane on Jan 3rd 2024

    Intimate. Inspiring. Humbling.. It was all these and more and I strongly recommend the Dolorous Passion to any and all persons who find themselves wondering just exactly what Our Lord’s Passion entailed and to what humiliations He was willing to submit Himself to for the love and salvation of souls. In reading this I slowly came, and am still coming, to the understanding of just how pernicious and injurious sin is. To us and to our right relationship with God. In particular, Blessed Anne Catherine’s description of what Our Blessed Mother willingly subjected herself to all for our sake was moving beyond words. I will keep this account at hand for the rest of my life.

  • 5
    the Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    Posted by VINCENT CERRATO on Nov 18th 2023

    one of the best revealed mystical look into first hand view of Our Lord's sufferings and time with his disciples very inspiring

  • 5
    repeat purchase.

    Posted by T.O. on Oct 18th 2023

    I purchased this book before and read it; now I'm buying more to send to Tanzania. Really an excellent description of the Passion and Death of OUr Lord.

  • 5
    The Dolores Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    Posted by Theresa Birlson on Oct 16th 2023

    Great to read during Lent and especially Holy Week to REALLY APPRECIATE the horrible suffering our Lord experienced to open the Gates of Heaven for all of us!

  • 5
    very inspirational

    Posted by pat adair bayer on Oct 4th 2023

    Read it yrs ago and gave book to someone else, wanted to read it again