“And yet the visible sun, as splendid as it is, is a mere created object, and is therefore certainly less radiant than the divine splendor, and less beautiful than the glory of the God Who fashioned it. It consequently follows that the bodies of the saints—suffused with this glory of God—will surpass the beauty and radiance of the sun itself.”
—Saint Anselm
The great Doctor of the Church and Benedictine monk Saint Anselm has assembled one of the greatest books ever written on heaven. Relying on his profound insights from prayer and his deep love for Sacred Scripture, Anselm systematically describes various aspects of the happiness of heaven: the beauty of the bodies of the blessed, the velocity of the glorified bodies of the saints in heaven, the strength of the blessed, the pleasures of heaven, and much more. At the same time, Saint Anselm does not shy away from the reality of hell and its unending torments. Nothing spurs the soul to repentance like the thought of being eternally separated from God.
To obtain our celestial homeland, Saint Anselm instructs the reader to meditate daily on the day of judgment and the blessings of heaven. Saint Anselm, who later became the archbishop of Canterbury, exhorts the faithful to daily conversion and heartfelt prayers. It is a book that will make you long for heaven with all your heart and slowly detach you from this world, where “the pleasures, joys, and honors of this mortal life are but brief and ephemeral.”
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- Imprint:
- TAN Books
- Format:
- Hardcover
- Publication Date:
- 08/09/2022
- Author:
- St. Anselm of Canterbury
- Pdf:
- https://tanbooks.com/content/TheGloriesOfHeaven_Preview.pdf
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- 1719
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5 Reviews
Great Book
Very enlightening! Love it.
Amazing Depth and Simplicity. Moving!
I purchased the Tan Audiobook. This book is short and sweet and I have listened to it several times... in a row! I want to listen to it always. It has helped me battle sin and love God more as I fight sin. Who can put a price on that? Get this book. Thank you, Tan Books, for making it available to us.
I havent read it yet.
I havent read it yet. I bought it for upcoming trip reading.
The Completion of All Desires
One earth we long for truth, beauty, and goodness in the depths of our souls. In heaven we shall have all that we desire and more. This book describes what we shall be like in heaven.
Title is apporpriate
Simply explain a deep and profound reality which we were made for. Nice work form St Anselm