
The Mystery of Predestination (eBook)

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How can an all-loving God predestine some to eternal salvation while permitting others to fall away? Doesn't God offer the same amount of saving grace to everyone? Isn't predestination a Protestant doctrine?

In The Mystery of Predestination, apologist and best-selling author John Salza (Why Catholics Cannot Be Masons) draws on Scripture, Tradition, and St. Thomas Aquinas's writings to uncover the fact that a proper Catholic understanding of predestination is interconnected with two other central mysteries: mankind's ability to choose freely to accept or reject God's saving Grace and mankind's inability to accept that grace without first being moved by God from within.

God is the primary mover in salvation; it is He who chooses, seeks, and saves us. God may predestine His "elect" to heaven but never wills that anyone go to hell.

The Mystery of Predestination contains meticulously researched and clearly written answers for the serious Catholic who is confused by the Bible verses or Magisterial statements in favor of predestination or who wants to defend Catholic truth against Calvinist error.

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1 Review

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on Apr 24th 2024

    I am so happy I purchased this book. It is well written and very thorough. What I especially like. Is it references all of the books I have previously read on this subject. The author has also highlighted sections from those books that gave me the most trouble and has made them very understandable. I plan on reading this book a second time. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.