In his masterful 12th-century work, The Twelve Degrees of Humility and Pride, St. Bernard of Clairvaux—the “Doctor Mellifluus” or “Honey-Sweet Doctor”— eloquently crafts a soul’s guide to spiritual ascent and descent. With his deep understanding of human nature and his own monastic experience, St. Bernard outlines a path that leads away from the self-deception of pride towards the liberating embrace of humility.
St. Bernard illustrates humility as the foundation of a life anchored in truth, where self-knowledge and the recognition of God’s greatness kindle the desire for inner transformation. In contrast, pride is depicted as a deceptive force, leading one away from God and into the isolation of self-importance. The saint’s discerning eye lays bare the subtle gradations between these two extremes, offering a ladder of spiritual progression for the earnest seeker.
For nearly a millennium, the ”honey-sweet” words of the Doctor Mellifluus have resonated with those yearning for a deeper relationship with the divine. This book is not merely a historical artifact; it is a living text that speaks directly to the heart, offering wisdom that transcends the centuries. For anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of spiritual growth, The Twelve Degrees of Humility and Pride offers a compass that points unerringly to the transformative power of humility in a life consecrated to God.
- Format:
- Paperbound
- Author:
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
- Publish:
- 12/1/2024
- Pages:
- 144
- Pdf:
- atc-product:
- 1719
- atc-product:
- 3193
- atc-product:
- 3761
- cpu-product:
- 1221
- cpu-product:
- 4232
- cpu-product:
- 2735
- Height:
- 7.00
- Width:
- 5.00