- Wistia Name:
- Credo: An RCIA Program
- Wistia Hash:
- sapab9p6qd
- Wistia Url:
- https://www.tanbooks.com/credo-an-rcia-program/
5 Reviews
OCIA Process Tool
Our parish has been using the Credo program for catechumens, candidates, and confirmandes in the OCIA process. We have found it to be very effective in teaching our faith and preparing them to receive the sacraments.
Light the Fire of Faith with CREDO
As Deacon I was assigned RCIA for the husband of a couple I prepared for matrimony. His work schedule was incompatible with the regular RCIA schedule. I found CREDO and decided to give it a try. I have been thrilled with the content and the young man who is going through the special one-on-one class is able to review each lesson before we meet. We then discuss the Chapter from the CREDO book. He loves this program and each time we meet he is excited and on fire. I have taught RCIA from another program, but it does not even come close to CREDO. I highly recommend this program to every Parish. On-line availability of the Chapter video;s is easy for the students and makes the in-person class discussions much more productive.
The streaming video for Credo
The streaming video for Credo has been an excellent choice for R.C.I.A. The teaching videos and testimonials have really helped our candidates with their journey of faith.
Well done!
Well done!
A real treasure
While I'veseen several video series dedicated to Mary, this one was full with new information, great insights and powerful for the faith. Should be seen by every Catholic!