
The Four Last Things (eBook)

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It has ever been the practice of the Catholic Church to recommend to her spiritual children the meditation on man's Four Last Things: death, judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
Keeping these sobering aspects of human destiny ever before our eyes, we will be that much less likely to fall into mortal sin and be lost eternally. This treatise provides many facts we should meditate on as we contemplate death. This book has converted numerous Protestants in our day because of its cogent reasons for rectifying our lives. Impr. 223 pgs, PB
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1 Review

  • 5
    The Last Four Things has converted at least one person I know -- my son

    Posted by JAMES F. on Feb 1st 2023

    I had wanted to order the hard copy, and didn;t realize I was ordering the ebook. Subsequently, I did order the hard copy. But, just a heads up -- my guess is that I am not the only customer who has made this mistake, then realized it too late (it was late at night, I was tired and wanted to get to bed, so didn;t do the proper due diligence before ordering). Please consider making this issue (the format being purchased) more prominent on your ordering page. I can say two things about the book;s contents: years ago I purchased the hard copy for myself, and my son (who later worked for Tan books, but has since left your organization), before he went off to college, saw the book on my shelf and asked if he could borrow it. Of course I said yes. He told me later that, while at college and after starting to read the book, he realized that if the things in that book are real, he had better get up to speed with regard to his spiritual life -- and the rest is history. That book was the vehicle used by the Holy Spirit to ignite his faith, which only grows deeper with time. The second thing I can say is that I remember reading the section on our final judgment, and it is impossible to read that section and not reexamine your life. EVERYONE should read this book. I ordered the current hard copy for one of my nephews, and had it sent to him, as a follow-up to our conversation about the faith -- I'm not even sure he is baptized, and he for sure is not a practicing Catholic -- but I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to send him a copy of the book, hoping it does for him what it did for my son. You have a great apostolate -- you (actully, God through you) are literally saving souls -- and what can be compared to salvation?