The Holy Mass is the single greatest thing on Earth—and in Heaven. For the Eucharistic Sacrifice is the bridge between the two; it is the eternal self-oblation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Father, the same sacrifice of the God-Man as on Calvary, applied anew everywhere the Mass is prayed. The Mass unites us with God; it acts as a propitiatory sacrifice and brings God into our midst; it heals our soul and transforms us by God's grace; it offers the only satisfactory thanksgiving possible to give God, for it is God offering Himself to Himself; and far, far more—the wonders of the Mass are literally measureless.
Mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers in The Wonders of the Mass an astounding guide to the meaning and reality of the sacred liturgy, quoting the saints and Our Lord (via revelations to mystics). There is no capacity in which Fr. O'Sullivan fails to extol the Mass—for truly, because it is Jesus Himself present in the Sacrament, we may offer the same praise to the Mass as to God.
"The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," says Fr. O'Sullivan, seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. . .the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Let The Wonders of the Mass teach you how limitless is the love of God for man in the holy liturgy.
- Author:
- Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL
- Imprint:
- TAN Books
- Pages:
- 42
- Publication Date:
- 6/1/1993
- Product Format:
- Booklet
- Pdf:
- atc-product:
- 1719
- atc-product:
- 3193
- atc-product:
- 3761
- cpu-product:
- 1221
- cpu-product:
- 4232
- cpu-product:
- 2735
- Height:
- 6.00
- Width:
- 3.75
3 Reviews
Benefits of the Mass
This is an Awesome book! I have read it several times and each time, something new jumps out at me! Don’t miss reading this gem!
This was the second volume from Father Paul that I have read. I picked the first, The Wonders of the Mass, book up because it was promoted by TAN books in an email blast. They were promoting a bundle of books by Father Paul O'Sullivan. I know I have seen the covers before. After reading the first one I picked up a few more. And this was the second volume I have read. The description of this book is: “Says "The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. . .the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Quotes Saints, plus Our Lord Himself in revelations to various Saints. Filled with incomparable insights on the glories of the Mass.” And the chapters are: The Wonders of Holy Mass What is the Mass? The Joy of the Saints at Mass Priests, The Happiest of Men The Benefits of the Mass Priests – Angels on Earth How to Hear Mass with profit This was a great little volume. It is the second by Father Paul I have read and it will not be the last. Right now, legally I cannot attend mass. But I can attend online masses. I have been able to attend Latin Masses, Extraordinary forms of the mass, and mass by several priests who I have read books from and follow-on social media. Not being able to attend mass for most of the past year has mad me realize how important and central it is to my life. This book offers tips and advice for appreciating the mass more. And for realizing it’s power and centrality to our faith. And even if I am mostly watching online this book can help me to learn to go deeper. Some of the sections I highlighted my first time through this volume are: “The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world. There is nothing on Earth equal to it, and there is nothing in Heaven greater than it.” “No intelligent, no enlightened Christian would fail to attend Mass if he only knew what it was.” “By hearing Mass, the day would become worth a thousand days to them, so wonderful would be the graces and benefits they should receive.” “Similar wonderful favors are granted to the humblest of the faithful, to anyone who hears Mass devoutly.” “St. John Damascene: “If anyone wishes to know how the bread is changed into the Body of Jesus Christ, I will tell him. The Holy Ghost overshadows the priest and acts on him as He acted on the Blessed Virgin Mary.”” “4. Nothing on this Earth, nothing in Heaven itself, gives more glory to God and obtains more benefits for us than a single Mass.” “7. No prayers, no suffrages, no matter how fervent, can help the Holy Souls as the Mass. Oh, let us think of the Souls in Purgatory! Among them may be our dear father and mother and friends. We can help them most easily, we can relieve their awful pains most efficaciously by hearing Mass for them.” “All good Christians would do well to follow these holy examples and ask God every time they hear Mass to grant them the grace of a holy death and freedom from the fires of Purgatory.” “One Mass heard with understanding and devotion obtains for us more graces than a hundred, than a thousand Masses heard carelessly and in ignorance of what the Mass is.” “Remember, Dear Reader, that the day you hear Mass is worth a thousand days to you, that all the labors and works of a day, or a week, or a whole year are nothing in comparison with the value of one Mass.” As can be see by these samples from the book. The book helps us realize the importance of the Mass. Helps us learn to draw in deeper during mass. And helps us to get the most out of the mass. It is an excellent volume that any Catholic would benefit from reading.
The Wonders of the Mass
Its a wonderful mini booklet to read. And at times, contemplate about. Many stories surround the Holy Mass, and some; although they sound almost out of the great stories of old, they're larger than all of Creation itself.