
Will Catholics Be "Left Behind"?

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Commentary and Videos by Carl E. Olsen

5 Lessons

Leader Pack contains: 1 Study Guide (answers in the back) and Group Streaming

Confusion over the Book of Revelation is widespread. To truly understand God’s word, however, we must follow the Magisterium of His Holy Church, and refuse to be misled by popular alarmist notions that conflict with the revealed meaning of John’s inspired words.

Carl Olson is a former Fundamentalist and grew up with many misconceptions about the "end times." This study is a thorough critique of the popular Fundamentalist notion of the "Rapture"— the belief that Christians will be removed from earth prior to a time of Tribulation and the Second Coming. It examines the theological, historical, and Biblical basis for "premillennial dispensationalism," the belief system based on the Rapture, and popularized in the best-selling Left Behind books and taught by "Bible prophecy" writers like Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey, and Jack Van Impe.

Combine this study with our study on Revelation for a complete guide on understanding this challenging, fruitful book!

Author: Carl E. Olsen
Lecturer: Carl E. Olsen
Lessons: 5 Lessons
Length: 13 minutes (avg)
Publication Date: 2007
1 Parish Streaming License (with no expiration)

Sample Video:


Product Format:
Carl E. Olsen
Wistia Name:
CSS: Will You Be Left Behind?
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1 Review

  • 5
    Excellent Companion to Revelation

    Posted by Terry on May 24th 2023

    I did this study years ago when it first came out. Left Behindù and the Raptureù were hot topics then. I had never heard of the rapture and thought I might have missed something in my time away from the Church. When I came across the CSS Revelation study accompanied by Will Catholics Be Left Behind?ù I was intrigued. We did both studies in my class and Carl Olsens study really helped to clarify what Catholics believe about the End of Time and the Final Judgment. I highly recommend it.