
A Scriptural Study of Angels

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Commentary by Mike Aquilina and Richard Bulzacchelli, STD

Videos presented by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.

25 Lessons

Leader Pack contains: 1 Study Guide (answers in the back) and Group Streaming.

A Scriptural Study of Angels includes both of our studies on the angels: Entertaining Angels and Angels throughout the Ages.

Every Sunday, Roman Catholics (like many other Christians) stand to profess their faith in the God who created "all things visible and invisible." We also confess our sins in the presence of "all the angels and saints." We hear Scripture readings that tell stories of angelic interventions in history. There's a flip side, of course, to the angels. There are also fallen angels: the demons.

In these lessons, we're going to meet some of the angels and demons featured in the Bible as distinct spiritual persons, with names and identities. We'll treat them like real people we would actually meet in our lives, because that's how they're portrayed in the Bible. Who are they? What do they do? And what do their names teach us about who they are?

Throughout the course of this study, in addition to Scripture, we will draw from Pope St. John Paul II's 1986 catechetical series on the angels, the Catechism, the Compendium of the Catechism and other official documents, as well as the Church Fathers.

You will find that learning about the angels helps you discover more about the God who created them!

Author: Mike Aquilina
Lecturer: Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
Lessons: 10 Lessons
Length: 25 minutes (avg)
Publication Date: 2013
1 Parish Streaming License (with no expiration)

Sample Video:


Author: Dr. Richard Bulzacchelli, STD
Lecturer: Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
Lessons: 15 Lessons
Length: 32 minutes (avg)
Publication Date: 2013
1 Parish Streaming License (with no expiration)
Sample Lesson
Sample Video:


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1 Review

  • 5
    A Scriptural Study Of Angles

    Posted by Charolette G. on Jan 6th 2023

    Outstanding I never knew there so much about angels in the Bible.